In many physical systems, transient instabilities are difficult to control because of the curse of dimensionality. Order-reduction techniques have become customary because design and implementation of controllers in low-dimensional subspaces is computationally more tractable. We explore how reduced-order models can be combined with high-fidelity computational models to shed light on the physical mechanisms responsible for transient instabilities. A key question is the incorporation of compressed sensing, state reconstruction, and machine learning capabilities in the control algorithms for them to be deployable in the wild.
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- Learning modes of instability from data: Chaos 29, 113120 (2019)
- Reduced-order control of fluid flows: Physical Review Fluids 4, 053902 (2019)
- Reduced-order modeling of instabilities: SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 18, 1143–1162 (2019)